Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Going Free... again!

It's another beautiful pre-Spring day! Actually, the weather of the last 10 days has been amazingly warm. Until last Thursday, it was getting a tad dry. Since then, the water has flowed from top to bottom quite readily. It would be nice for us to have a few dry days now to get a handle on the yard grass that is becoming a bit unruly.

Last Friday's "Betrovia for Free!" day as exciting. As of today, over 30 Kindle copies have been purchased and even 2 have been "borrowed" (which still nets me something per each borrow). The downside, if there must be one, is 2 copies have been returned (blast you, silly Amazon 7-day no-questions-asked return policy!).  Before the free day, only two Kindle copies were sold, so I guess it needs to be said that a good "free" day can lead to more than a few sales.

Betrovia will be free again this Friday, the 23rd, and it's hoped that there will be a few more additional sales after that free day ends.

Edit on March 23: Betrovia is NOT free today! I am planning something in April that I need to save the free days for!

The sequel to Betrovia is about 1/2 from "beta" state, and the plan is to recruit a dozen or so beta-readers and to incorporate their feedback before releasing the sequel to the general public. All this should be done before Sept. 21, 2012.

If anyone reading this would like to be a beta-reader, just leave a comment on this blog.

Oh, there will be a few more short stories between now and then... and maybe one of those will be an illustrated version!

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